2022 Week 7
2022 Week 7
We rocked it out at Elmwood this week! It is hard to believe how much happened in just five days. Every day was jam-packed with opportunities for fun...
2022 Week 5
2022 Week 4
Week 3 at Elmwood
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Week 2 at Elmwood!
Week 1 at Elmwood How could it be the end of week one already? We had a spectacular week in every possible way! Children are feeling safe, making new...
Five days of sunshine, tons of laughter, silliness everywhere, hugging, celebrating, learning and Carnival… WEEK SEVEN WAS THE BEST WEEK YET! The week...
Every day at Elmwood is a chance for learning, growing, and being together. There is so much that goes into every second at camp. Every detail is ca...
Every week at Elmwood tells a story… This week’s story was about kindness, compassion, teamwork, zaniness, and love. There is so much love in the air...