What are the 2025 dates of employment?
Camp begins on Thursday, June 30th, and ends on Thursday, August 21st. We are closed on Friday, July 4th and weekends. In addition, each staff member will attend up to 2 orientation sessions.
Who goes to Elmwood?
Campers range in age from 3 to 11 years old and come from Westchester County and Manhattan.
Where is Elmwood?
Elmwood is located at 900 Dobbs Ferry Road, White Plains, NY. We are one mile from the center of Ardsley and 30 minutes from Manhattan.
What hours will I be working?
Staff arrive at 8:20AM and leave at 4:15PM. Additional time is required for staff members involved in camp transportation. Each counselor is required to stay in camp for two late stays for parent visiting or trips during the summer.
What is the salary?
Salary ranges depend on position and experience.