Elmwood Seniors
5th & 6th Graders
Elmwood Seniors
Rooted in our mission, Elmwood’s seniors participate in an electives-based program which allows campers to concentrate on activities they are passionate about, while developing and strengthening relationships in our warm and exciting community.
The summer is divided into three different innovative components: Majors Weeks, Adventure Weeks, and Traditions Weeks. Please read about them below.
Majors Weeks
Weeks one & two (June 30th through July 11th)
Weeks four & five (July 21st through August 1st)
Daily free swim
Optional instructional swim for campers who are not deep water ready to help prepare them for safe deep water swimming
Daily two-week Major
2025 Majors:
2D Studio Art: A Fine Art Adventure
Hollywood Studios:Filmmaking Techniques
Pinball Wizard!
Fit to be YOU!
Sports League
Performing Arts: Triple Threat Academy
3D Art
Chess Masters
Daily week-long Minor such as Tennis, Archery, Studio Art, Fencing, Woodworking and Dance
Group activities such as gaga, ceramics, Skypark, Street Games, soccer, and music.
Wednesday trip days to include Lake Compounce, sailing, horseback riding, Castle Fun Center, a beach day and more
Participation in 2025 special events
Sample Schedule:
9:15: Optional free swim, deep water skills swimming, or choice of an activity
10:00: Morning meeting and snack
10:15: Major elective
12:00: Soccer (or other group activity)
12:30: Lunch
1:00: Minor elective
2:00: Ceramics (or other group activity)
2:30: Free Swim
3:30: Snack and Dismissal

Adventure Weeks
Week three (July 14th through July 18th)
Week six (August 4th through August 8th)
During Adventure Weeks, campers will travel together on daily adventures such as indoor rock climbing, high ropes courses, kayaking and hiking. In addition, all campers will participate in exciting overnight adventures including Club Getaway and a Pennsylvania trip where campers will stay in a hotel and visit Camel Beach and the American Dream Mall. There are no scheduled in-camp activities
Tradition Weeks
Weeks seven & eight (August 11th through August 21st)
In the final two weeks of the summer, campers will participate in all of their Elmwood favorites including:
- Upper Village Bowl
- Camper Counselor Show
- Ice Cream Party
- Carnival
- Daily free swim
- Favorite in-camp activities
- Final out of camp day trip