Indoor Camp Fun This Winter

Things to Do Inside When It Gets Cold That Reminds Me of Camp

If you are like me, you are currently celebrating the first day of winter by thinking about warmer days and summertime fun.

As you start to get ready for winter break ahead of you, I thought these indoor activities would help remind you of camp…even if it’s cold outside!

Food fun to remind you of Cooking

  • Cook dinner together as a family.
  • Learn a recipe that has been a family favorite for many years.
  • Make homemade ice cream. Experiment with new flavors!
  • Make hot chocolate.

Make your own snow to remind you of Science

  • Just because it’s winter break, it does not necessarily mean there is snow on the ground. That’s okay, you can make your own! Just mix three cups of baking soda with ½ cup of white hair conditioner. **It is a little messy. For a neater option, use play-doh!
  • Use glitter to make snowflakes on blue construction paper.
  • Put shaving cream on a cookie sheet and play in the “snow” with action figures, toy cars, and toy trucks.
  • Cut out paper snowflakes in a variety of sizes and hang them on the windows.

Fun and Games to remind you of Special Events

  • Build a race track for toy cars using toilet paper rolls, popsicle sticks, poster board/cardboard and masking tape.
  • Play Pictionary or Charades.
  • Use playing cards to build a tower.
  • Play a board game.

Crafts to remind you of Arts & Crafts

  • Build a snow scene in a glass jar – pour some sugar in the bottom of the jar to be the snow, then add miniature animals, pebbles, and moss using hot glue (have a grown-up use the hot glue).
  • Make tie-dyed shirts.
  • Finger paint.
  • Make friendship bracelets out of string.
  • Make a lanyard and try to learn a stitch you’ve never done before.

Pretend Play to remind you of Drama

  • Have a picnic in your room by spreading a tablecloth on the floor. Pack a picnic basket with summertime foods to bring back memories of summer.
  • Make a fort out of pillows – you can pretend you are in a tent camping out.
  • Have a tea party.
  • Make paper bag puppets and put on a show.

Active Activities to remind you of Sports

  • Balloon volleyball.
  • Masking tape fun – make a target on the ground out of masking tape. Take turns throwing a bean bag in to see who can get closest to the bullseye!
  • Have a dance party.
  • Yoga
  • Balloon tennis - Tape paper plates to rulers and use them as tennis rackets. Use balloons as tennis balls.
  • Hopscotch – you can make your hopscotch “board” out of masking tape!
  • Ping Pong Ball Catch – have a catch by tossing a ping pong ball from one cup to the other cup.

Whatever indoor activity you decide to do this winter break, I hope you are thinking about Elmwood and the memories spent out in the summer sun!

Each cold day means it’s one day closer to summer!